
Instrumentation is the art and science of measurement and control of process variables within a production or manufacturing area. It can involve control valves, SCADA, PLCs, process plant layout, piping design, boiler control, hazardous areas, industrial data communications, networking, deviceNet and Fieldbus, radio telemetry systems, safety instrumentation and much more.
AI-E - Analytical Instrumentation
This manual will 'demystify' the world of analytical measurement and equip you with the knowledge required to understand, identify and confidently troubleshoot On-Line Analytical Measurement instrumentation in Process Control.
BA-E - Batch Management & Control (Including S88)
This manual aligns with current practices in the automation of batch processes, including the drive for integration with MES and ERP products from major IT product companies. References and examples are drawn from DCS/PLC batch control products in the market place.
DR-E - Best Practice in Process, Electrical and Instrumentation Drawings and Documentation
This manual is designed for engineers and technicians from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds and will provide an excellent introduction to mastering plant documentation and diagrams. It covers the flow of documentation from design through manufacture to maintenance and operations.
DA-E - Data Acquisition using Personal Computers
This manual gives both the novice and experienced user a solid grasp of the principles and practical implementation of interfacing the PC and standalone instruments to real world signals.
FC-E - Design of Industrial Automation Functional Specifications for PLCs, DCSs and SCADA Systems
This manual will be useful to both specifiers and implementers providing a theoretical grounding for preparing a control system functional specification for implementation on Industrial control systems consisting of PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), HMI (Human Machine Interfaces / SCADA devices) or DCS (Distributed Control Systems).
DD-E - Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
This manual covers the practical applications of the modern Distributed Control System (DCS). This manual examines all the relevant DCS issues and gives suggestions in dealing with them and, whilst not being by any means exhaustive, provides an excellent starting point for you in working with a DCS.
IB-E - Fundamentals of Industrial Automation
This manual will provide you with information on the cutting edge best practice in instrumentation, PLC's, PAC's; updates on fieldbus, industrial ethernet, industrial wireless; an appreciation of the latest developments in industrial automation, review of current SCADA practices and a clear understanding of the acronyms and terminology used.
SQ-E - Fundamentals of Instrumentation, Process Control, PLCs and SCADA for Plant Operators and Other Non-Instrument Personnel
This manual covers an introduction to instrumentation and measurement ranging from pressure, level, temperature and flow devices followed by a review of process control including the all important topic of PID loop tuning. This manual also includes an explanation of PLC and SCADA systems and an examination of industrial data communication networks – again from a very simple understandable point of view. Finally, the manual is rounded off with a hands-on review of reading and interpreting simple plant documentation such as P&IDs so that you can see and understand the operation of the plant through the documentation.
BS-E - Fundamentals of Practical Building Automation Systems
This book will teach you the essentials in installing, commissioning and troubleshooting individual components and systems.
HZ-E - Hazardous Areas
This manual provides you with an understanding of the hazards involved in using electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres. It is based on the international IEC79 series of standards that are now replacing the older national standards. Installation utilising Explosion-Protected (Ex) equipment can be expensive to design, install and operate. The wider approaches described in these standards can significantly reduce costs whilst maintaining plant safety.
HO-E - Hazops, Trips and Alarms
This manual concentrates on awareness level training for managers, engineers and technicians in the practical application of hazard and operability studies (known as HAZOPS). Hazops are widely used for identifying deviations from design intent in manufacturing processes and for assessing the potential consequences, particularly where there are risks of harm to persons, then environment or assets.
FL-E - Industrial Flow Measurement
Industrial Flow Measurement This manual is suitable for the engineer, electrician, technician, craftsperson, operator and others who require practical, specialist knowledge for selecting and implementing flow measurement systems. This manual focuses on typical real-world applications. Close attention is given to special installation considerations and application limitations when selecting and installing different flow instruments.
PR-E - Industrial Programming using 61131-3 for PLCs
PLCs have become part of the backbone of industrial automation. The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) has developed a standard set of programming languages for industrial PLCs. The success of these languages can be measured by the large number of major PLC manufacturers who are developing products that are 61131-3 compliant.
CD-E - Installation, Calibration and Maintenance of Electronic Instruments
This manual is designed for engineers and technicians from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds and will provide an excellent introduction in installation, calibration, commissioning and maintenance of electronic instrumentation. The manual starts with coverage of the basics on electrical measurements and some tips and tricks.
IP-E - Instrumentation for Automation and Process Control
The manual focuses on real applications, with attention to special installation considerations and application limitations when selecting or installing different measurement or control equipment.
IS-E - Intrinsic Safety
This manual explains the application concepts of explosion protection using Intrinsic Safety (IS or Ex 'I'). This is with reference to British, European and international standards for the certification and use of electrical 'apparatus'. Where electrical equipment is used in 'Potentially Flammable Atmospheres', the IEC79 series of international standards are now emerging and gaining acceptance in order to develop a global approach to hazardous area plant safety.
FA-E - Introduction to the Selection, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Fiscal Flow and Metering Equipment
This manual is for engineers and technicians who require a practical knowledge of selection, installation and commissioning of fiscal metering. A clear understanding of fundamentals and concepts of fiscal metering and its commercial implications is an important factor in an efficient implementation of fiscal metering system. You can only achieve excellent and reliable fiscal metering when your field instrumentation provides the correct information. This manual is for those primarily involved in achieving effective results for the industrial processes they are responsible for. This would involve the design, specification and implementation of control and measurement equipment. The manual focuses on practical applications, with special attention to installation considerations and application limitations when selecting or installing different measurement or control instruments for fiscal metering.
NI-E - Measurement and Control for Non-Instrument Personnel
This manual presents, in a clear and easy to understand manner, the basic concepts of control and principles of measurement. Control valves and actuators are also covered, along with an overview of piping and instrument diagrams (P &ID), as well as Distributed Control Systems (DCS), SCADA and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).
Measurement and Control for Non-Instrument Personnel is an essential tool in gaining valuable knowledge in the area of instrumentation, measurement and control.
MC-E - Motion Control
This manual initially examines the basic building blocks and design tools to implement motion control systems. Fundamental concepts of load, inertia, force and real time are discussed. The various factors such as performance limitations and costs that impact the selection of electro hydraulic, pneumatic, electromechanical technologies are discussed. Servo basics are then examined in considerable detail giving you the practical tools in which to work with these systems.
AT-E - Practical Alarm Management for Engineers and Technicians
The manual focuses on simple and practical information for personnel ranging from operators all the way up to supervisors, engineers and managers.
BI-E - Practical Boiler Control and Instrumentation for Engineers and Technicians
This manual introduces the basic practices of controls systems and safety controls for industrial steam generating boilers. It focuses on the control and safety requirements applicable to most types of boilers from small gas-fired units to large multi-fuel installations. This manual will provide training in how control and instrumentation is designed to manage the main variables such as drum water level, furnace draft, combustion fuel and air conditions.
VL-E - Practical Control Valve Sizing, Selection and Maintenance
It is claimed that the majority of control valves throughout the world have not been correctly sized and that large numbers operate on manual mode. Whether this is true or not is difficult to establish but we do know that the method of sizing and selecting a control valve for a specific application is generally not well understood.
LC-E - Practical Drives, Motors & PLCs for Engineers and Technicians
This manual discusses the technology associated with Drives, Motors and PLCs and their uses in industrial/process plants. It covers the fundamentals of plant layout, the equipment used, design principles and procedures.
SO-E - Practical Fundamentals of E-Manufacturing, MES and Supply Chain Management
This manual covers enterprise and business automation system hierarchies; process and system design concepts and considerations; the fundamentals of e-Manufacturing and supply chain processes; project motivation and benefit quantification; business and process modeling tools; system integration concepts and models; managing software project partners, system integrators and consultants; system implementation and behavioral change management considerations and Product and vendor evaluation methodology.
OP-E - Practical Fundamentals of OPC
OPC has come a long way in making the engineers' dream of plug and play compatibility in automation engineering achievable. OPC is an industry-wide standard that breaks this proprietary lock by allowing open connectivity based on the principles adapted from widely accepted and applied 'Microsoft Windows' integration standards. OPC capabilities have been demonstrated in many practical applications and it is now a well-established approach for different competing manufacturers.
HT-E - Practical HAZOPS for Engineers and Technicians
Practical HAZOPS for Engineers and Technicians This manual covers the techniques of hazard and operability studies that are widely used in industry for the identification of potential hazards in process plant operations. In recent years HAZOP methods have been extended to searching for hazards in operational procedures and in many other fields including electronic controls and emergency planning procedures.
SZ-E - Practical IEC 61850 for Substation Automation
This manual is designed for personnel with a need to understand the techniques required to use and apply IEC 61850 to substation automation, hydro power plants, wind turbines and distributed energy resources as productively and economically as possible.
This manual provides comprehensive coverage of IEC 61850 and will provide you with the tools and knowledge to tackle your next substation automation project with confidence.
SI-E - Practical Industrial Safety, Risk Assessment and Shutdown Systems for Industry
This manual will provide you with a broad understanding of the latest safety instrumentation practices and their applications to functional safety in manufacturing and process industries. This manual is an investment - it could save your business a fortune in possible downtime and financial loss.
MV-E - Practical Machine Vision Applications in Industry
The fundamentals of image processing and machine vision are covered in the beginning of this manual, followed by the correct selection of cameras, frame grabbers and vision appliances. Finally, you will be shown how to select and integrate all the varying components into a professional and working system. Despite the advances in technology, don't expect your machine vision to have the versatility and brilliance of a human...yet. But if you apply the key concepts in this manual to your machine vision application, you should have a reliable and effective solution.
PL-E - Practical Process Control and Tuning of Industrial Control Loops
A clear review of the principles and essentials of process control is given thus allowing you to gain the skills to tune a wide variety of controllers. By the end of this text you will have the skills to troubleshoot and tune a wide variety of process loops.
AU-E - Practical Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) for Automation and Process Control
This manual is designed to benefit you with practical up-to-date information on the application of PLCs for the automation and process control of plants and factories. It is suitable for people who have little or no exposure to PLCs, but expect to become involved in some or all aspects of PLC installation. It aims to give practical advice from experts in the field, to assist you to correctly plan, program and install a PLC with a shorter learning curve and more confidence.
SS-E - Practical Safety Instrumentation & Emergency Shutdown Systems for Process Industries
For project managers and engineers involved with hazardous processes, this manual focuses on the management, planning and execution of automatic safety systems in accordance with IEC 61511, the newly released international standard for process industry safety controls.
SK-E - Practical Troubleshooting and Problem Solving of PLCs and SCADA Systems
The objective of this manual is to help you troubleshoot, identify, prevent and fix common PLC and SCADA problems. The emphasis is on practical hard hitting information that goes beyond typical theory, focusing unerringly on providing you with the necessary skills to solve your problems whether it is a PLC, SCADA system, or indeed communications system linking the two together. The automation system on your plant underpins your entire operation. It is thus critical that you have the knowledge and tools to quickly identify and fix problems as they occur to ensure you have a safe, secure and productive system. No compromise is obviously possible here. This manual distils all the tips and tricks learnt over many years.
DX-E - Practical Troubleshooting of Data Acquisition and SCADA Systems
This manual covers all aspects of data acquisition and control using a PC and data loggers, including design, specification, programming, installation and configuration. The popular IEEE 488 interface is also covered in detail.
TI-E - Practical Troubleshooting of Instrumentation, Electrical and Process Control Systems
This manual uses a systems approach to troubleshooting and is designed to encourage readers to take a new look at the methodology of fault finding and rectification on their plant. Having covered the types of equipment, the manual then looks at first line troubleshooting, then the advanced level and finally works through some typical examples.
PC-E - Process Control
This manual is aimed at engineers and technicians who wish to have a clear understanding of the essentials of process control and loop tuning, as well as how to optimize the operation of their particular plant or process. These persons would typically be primarily involved in the design, implementation and upgrading of industrial control systems. Mathematical theory has been kept to a minimum with the emphasis throughout on useful information.
AD-E - Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and SCADA Systems
This manual aims to give practical advice from experts in the field, to assist you to correctly plan, program and install a PLC with a shorter learning curve and more confidence. While the manual is ideal for electricians, technicians and engineers who are new to PLCs, much of the material covered will be of value to those who already have some basic skills, but need a wider perspective for larger and more challenging tasks ahead.
RF-E - RFID Tagging - Features and Applications
RFID is one of the fastest growing technologies in the automatic data collection industry. The widespread use of RFID in such varied applications as electronic article surveillance, animal tagging and high volume logistics supply has resulted in low prices of the tags. It is conceivable with the affordability of tags that they can be permanently used to identify foodstuffs and clothing items.
SC-E - SCADA & Telemetry Systems for Industry
This manual covers the fundamentals of SCADA systems hardware, software and the communications systems (such as Ethernet and TCP/IP) that connect the SCADA operator stations together. It provides you with the tools to design your next SCADA system more effectively and to draw on the latest technologies.
SX-E - SCADA Systems for Industry
This manual covers the fundamentals of SCADA systems hardware, software and the communications systems (such as Ethernet and TCP/IP) that connect the SCADA operator stations together. It provides you with the tools to design your next SCADA system more effectively and to draw on the latest technologies.
LT-E - Tuning of Industrial Control Loops
This manual covers the configuration and tuning of industrial control loops using a minimum of mathematics and formulas. Controllers need to be carefully matched to the process to work optimally; this matching procedure is called tuning. Controllers that are not correctly configured and tuned will not perform optimally and will not reduce variability in the process as they should. The aim of this manual is to provide the knowledge required to configure and tune a controller for optimum operation.
AP-E - Practical Advanced Process Control for Engineers and Technicians
Advanced control is one of the most important ways in which the production situation can be improved, and model-based control offers a very direct and feasible solution for an appropriate operation.